söndag 23 oktober 2011

Prissvängningar är farliga

I finansvärlden är volatilitet ett uttryck för hur mycket priset svänger eller varierar på finansiella och materiella tillgångar. Priset på olja svänger allt mer. Detta är typiskt för resurser som håller på att ta slut. Ett exempel är torsken utanför Kanada som innan den blev utfiskad blev utsatt för våldsamma prisvariationer. Det finns t.o.m. ekonomer som hävdar att krisen 2008 med skuggbankssystemet och de sjuka bostadskrediterna utlöstes av ökad volatilitet (prissvängningar) på råvarumarknaderna (t.ex. olja och gas).
Det är en tydlig långsiktig trend till växande fluktuationer av oljepriser. Blir det alltför stora svängningar finns det risk för sammanbrott i ekonomierna. Detta är skäl till snabb övergång till förnyelsebara energikällor och kärnkraft. Dessutom behövs en snål och effektiv resursanvändning.


Volatilitet är ett begrepp inom finansvärlden för prisrörligheten hos aktier och andra finansiella tillgångar. Enkelt uttryckt beskriver volatilitet hur mycket priset på en finansiell tillgång svänger eller varierar. Ju mer tillgångens värde rör sig upp och ner desto högre volatilitet har tillgången. Stockholmsbörsens volatilitet år 2005 var strax över 20 %.

Oil Caused Recession Not Wall Street Tom Therramus

It is imagined that volatility spikes in oil price also have to reach a critical threshold before they are of sufficient size to transmit knock-on effects on economic variables like inflation rate and investment risk.
The above being said, the fluctuating signature on the chart may be a pointer that the world is either approaching or on the down slope from Peak Oil. Chaotic change in the value or availability of a non-renewable resource often occurs during its terminal decline. A good example of this was whalebone , a material used for hooped dresses and corsets during the 19th century. The price of whalebone underwent large fluctuations as the whale species from which it came were hunted to near extinction. In an example closer to our own time, Atlantic cod numbers landed off New England have shown whipsaw surges and falls in response to over fishing. The author Jeff Vail has used chaos theory to show interesting parallels between volatility in oil price and how prey populations in the wild vary in relation to predation.

By Shah Gilani, Capital Waves Strategist, Money Morning

If the gut-wrenching market volatility of the past few weeks has made you sick to your stomach , I have some bad news for you: violent volatility is the new normal - or more precisely, the new ab-normal.

After massive market moves last week, the Dow Jones Industrial Average tumbled 419.63 points yesterday (Thursday). And, while t hat may be bad news for average investors, it's something Wall Street wants.

If you're not a day-trader, high-frequency trader, hedge-fund manager, or institutional desk trader, reading this is going to make you mad as hell. But it's something you have to know, understand, and accept if you're going to be a successful investor going forward.

The reality is that in their crusade to manufacture extraordinary personal wealth, Wall Street insiders have engineered volatility into the capital markets.

This change is permanent.

Indeed, the same dangerous volatility that destabilizes markets creates innumerable trading opportunities for Wall Street's proprietary traders. These traders feed off each other and off their banking-industry clients.

The game is simple: Wall Street creates market volatility, some of which leads to panic. Panicked investors, in desperate searches for safety, turn to "experts" for protection. And Wall Street rakes in the profits - not just from their market-crushing trades, but from the investment fees they charge individual investors, companies and nations.

It's similar to how the mafia might trash your business and then offer to "sell" you their protection services.

By increasing volatility in stock, bond, commodity and real estate markets, The Street has created a self-perpetuating moneymaking machine.

Obviously, without the manufactured volatility, markets would be more stable, predictable and better serve economic development and growth. But there are no extraordinary gains to be made in calm and stable markets.

So Wall Street for decades has worked to make market volatility the norm.

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